The purpose of interviewing yourself can possibly be to learn more details about who you are as your person. You can also learn about your skills, qualifications, etc.
Literary nonfiction uses many fiction-writing teachniques
A corporate trust
A trust or corporate trust is a chain of businesses that have sizeable market power and cooperate with each other in different ways such as being members of a trade association, co-owning stock, or forming a conglomerate.
Thus, the correct answer is corporate trust because they do all those functions listed.
Lots of people refer to cold as a personality like ruthless or mean so mint is just another way of saying something like her life was icy cold or she gave me the cold shoulder.
3M is a company with a culture that lets its employees experiment. Because it allows employees to try new things and even use company equipment to do it, the employees have come up with a lot of good ideas, which have led to new products being developed.