This statement is true. A relational database management systems contains a query language that is in-built and permits easy access to answers to the questions that was asked about the data on ground. This system is used to maintain relational database. However, its main advantage is its ability to create information with mean via joining tables.
The expected vale of the stock is below their current market value.
This means the expected earnings and dividends of the company are going to decrease in the following months. Or that other stocks semes more profitable, making this stock price going down:
This may occurs because, the price earings of this stock (times the Earings per share pays the market price is greater than other stock. Investor will move from a stock with a P/E of 20 to another which P/E is % as their return in investment will be higher.
Answer and Explanation:
The classification of the following cost i.e. either product cost or period cost is
1. Period cost as it deals with the operating expense
2 Product cost as it directly linked with the product
3 Product cost as it directly linked with the product
4 Product cost as it directly linked with the product
5 Product cost as it directly linked with the product
6 Product cost as it directly linked with the product
7 Product cost as it directly linked with the product
8 period cost as it does not directly linked with the product
9 Product cost as it directly linked with the product