The FTC supports free and open markets by protecting competition, so that consumers reap the benefits of a vigorous marketplace: lower prices, higher quality products and services, and greater innovation
From the line : By that time will my aged years perhaps a staff require,
the effect of envisioning "aged years" would be : it reveal how weary the speaker is of waiting to see what effect she might have had on others/
Hope this helps
Example 1. The population size is relatively small In total population sampling, researchers choose to study the entire population because the size of the population that has the particular set of characteristics that we are interest in is typically very small. Therefore, if you failed to include a small number of units (e.g., people) in your research, a significant piece of the puzzle that you are trying to understand may be missing.
Example 2. The population shares an uncommon characteristic(s) The characteristic shared by the population is considered to be uncommon because this tends to explain why the population that can be studied is very small. In this example above, the population consisted of people with a rare disease, but there are many types of uncommon characteristic. For example, if you were performing case study research in a single firm of 400 employees, examining the effect of senior manager mentorship on employee motivation, there may only be 5-10 senior managers. In this example, the uncommon characteristic is the fact that the people (i.e., units) of interest are all senior managers. Since the total number of senior managers is very small, it makes sense to include all of them in your research; in other words, it makes sense to create a total population sample.
hope this helped :)
1. When it's cold and wet outside, it's so nice to be warm and dry inside.
2. He was wearing two different color socks but a least his shoes were the same.
3. I was raised Arizona, so I play a lot of summer sports and not many winter sports.
4. Please fill the dishwasher and empty the trash.
5. I will date a short guy or a tall guy. if he treats me the manners.
6. She used to be very reserved , but she's much more outgoing since she's been taking dancing lessons.
7. He was pretty wise, but pound foolish.
Hope this helped and if you need more help then just message me instead :)