Faye has been experiencing very painful periods that last an unusually long time. According to her gynecologist, Faye's conditio
n is due to the fact that the lining of her uterus is growing in places other than the uterus. From the information provided, which of the following conditions would best characterize her symptoms?
Endometriosis may be defined as the condition in which in which the endometrium layer grows out of the uterus. The more common symptoms is pain, itching and scarring.
The Faye has painful period experience and her lining of uterus grows out of the uterus. This indicates the clear case of the endometriosis. This is not the sign of the cancer and can be easily diagnosed by biopsy.
The best
evaluation of this argument will be that this seems to be an invalid argument
as we have no way of being sure that we are referring to that same provost (means head or senior <span>academic administrator serving at an institution of higher education in the US) </span>who
saved the institute.