A plant cell is rectangular, while an animal cell is circular.
Reproduction, I am pretty sure
Hope this help
Because the moon is significantly smaller than earth,
Its gravitational pull is also smaller and weaker.
So he weighed much less on the moon than he did on earth because of the change in gravity
Biotic factors are just everything living (bio-) in an ecosystem. So they're bound to vary in every ecosystem, based on the biome, climate, other food sources available, et cetera.
Do you see flamingoes in the forest? No, you say? Well, they're living; they're biotic factors. They aren't in a forest or a jungle ecosystem because that's not their habitat and they don't thrive there.
Hydrogen, Lithium, Aluminum, Argon, Nickel, Iodine, Gold, Mercury
Hydrogen has 1 proton.
Lithium has 3 protons.
Aluminum has 13 protons.
Argon has 18 protons.
Nickel has 28 protons.
Iodine has 53 protons.
Gold has 79 protons.
Mercury has 80 protons.
Hope this helps.