169,000/308,700,000 which can be simplified to 169/308,700 and decimal form just divide 169,000 by 308,700,000 and you get .0005474571, and percentage multiply the decimal by 100 so you get .055% (rounded)
Well first you substitute -3 for y and then subtract 12 from both sides of the equation and it should look like -15=-3x. Then divide 3 on both sides and you should end up getting 5=x.
8/10, 12/15, 16/20 and so on
Step-by-step explanation:
4x2/5x2 = 8/10
4x3/5x3 = 12/15
4x4/5x4 = 16/20 and so on
Are there any answers??
Step-by-step explanation:
The answer is 4.23 the second meteorite wieghts 4.23 pounds