A rational number is a number that can be expressed as the relationship between two integers. Fractions and decimals will either repeat or end. An example is 5. Maybe 7. 53573 is an example as well. So is 5/1, because 5 and 1 are both integers. so is 7.5, because 7 and 5 are both integers, and it ends (the numbers after the decimal doesn't keep going). Your answer is 7.8, because it ends.
Step-by-step explanation:
the volume of the box is
length × width × height = 13×13×13 = 13³ = 2197 cm³
the ratio of the density indignation tells us that every cm³ of soil weighs 1.33 g (or every unit of 1.33g soil fits into 1 cm³).
we have 2197 cm³.
their weight is
2197 × 1.33 = 2,922.01 g
so, the filled box clearly exceeds the max. weight of the window ledge, and it is NOT safe to put it there.
yes, it would be a little bit less dense.
because every bit of weight you put on top of something increases the pressure on and therefore the density of that something.
The answer is 1:3 because 1/4 has nuts and 3/4 don’t