Answer: 1. S = 0.77
2. R = 0.14
1. <u><em>Selection</em></u> <u><em>differential</em></u> is the difference between the population mean and the average of the selected parents. Its symbol is S.
S = mean of selected parents - population mean
S = 6.48 - 5.71
S = 0.77
2. <em><u>Response</u></em> <em><u>to</u></em> <em><u>Selection</u></em> is how much gain you make when crossing over selected parents. Its symbol is R.
R = mean of offspring of selected parents - population mean
R = 5.85 - 5.71
R = 0.14
3. <em><u>Heritability</u></em> is, basically, a statistical variable that shows how much the variation in a trait is due to genetic factors. Its symbol is h².
To calculate it, use Breeder's Equation:
R = h²S

h² = 0.18
4. You would expect the production to be strongly influenced by environment, because heritability lies between 0 and 1. Low heritability means there is low level of resemblance between offspring and parents. As this program heritability is low, the resemblance is small, which means the characteristics are influenced mostly by the enviroment.
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The correct option is : a. diameter
The Kirby–Bauer test or the disk diffusion test, is a method to determine the antibiotic sensitivity of the given bacteria. This test involves the use of antibiotic discs to determine the effect of antibiotics on the bacteria.
In this test, the wafers having antibiotics and the bacteria are placed on the agar plate and incubated. If the antibiotics present stops the growth of the bacteria, there will be an area around wafer with no bacterial growth, such an area is known as the zone of inhibition.
<u>The </u><u>diameter of this zone of inhibition</u><u> is measured to determine the </u><u>antibiotic sensitivity of the given bacteria</u><u>.</u>
Well 1m = 100cm
so 6m = 600cm. 600cm > 63cm. Hence, 6m is greater.