b. Exempt Review
Exempt review is a term used in academic studies that represents a situation in which a research or study may be approved by the institutional review committee (IRB), even with minimal risk. This type of research does not require much protocol by the IRB and can be approved for publication even without the need to convene this committee.
the process of learning to behave in a way that is acceptable to society
Well, it could remind police to be careful of how they
conduct their operations in the future.
They should learn from their mistakes and make sure not to let it happen
again. On the other hand, the police
might feel that they are being watched and they cannot do what needs to be done
when the situation calls for it.
Try to change his theory to correlate with the new observations, otherwise, discard his theory.
For scientist to develop a thoery, he must be able to follow the following steps:
1. Making of observation
2. List out questions relating to the object of research
3. Create hypotheses
4. Form prediction on the basis of hypotheses
5. Test the prediction
6. Perform iteration
Hence, if the predictions of the theory correlates with the results of the test, the theory will be temporarily confirmed. Otherwise, the scientist should try to change his theory to correlates or be in accordance with the new observations and, if he cannot do so, discard his theory.