Thick segments of tissue would not be enough for Annie Dillard's needs.
When Annie refers to "tissue," she is referring to biological tissues that will be used in the new microscope kit that she received from her parents. For it to be possible for her to visualize biological tissues in this microscope, it is necessary that she has "thin segments of fragile tissue," because thick segments of tissue would not allow a good visualization, with details, in her microscope.
A world of heroes reads about the fall of Oedipus, the death of Hektor and the battle of thermopylia and other events in ancient Greece.
It reveals the impact of the choices and sacrifices made by individuals in the past and how it positive affects the society, most of which topics of these individuals are deliberated upon and are held dearly in the society.
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An example of a marvel of nature is when a caterpiller turns into a butterfly