Module getNumber (Integer Ref Value)
Display "Display a number"
Input number
End module
Module main ()
Declare Integer number x = 1
Declare Real number y = 2.5
Display( x, " " ,y)
Call changeUS (x,y)
Display( x, " " ,y)
End module
Hello there.
Which of the following formats can algorithms NOT be written in:
Answers: Flow Chart
-Not to make impulse buys
-Open a savings account that directly adds a set amount of money into it from your paycheck monthly
-The '50-30-20' rule(<span>50 percent of your income toward necessities, like housing and bills. Twenty percent should then go toward financial goals, like paying off debt or </span>saving<span> for retirement. Finally, thirty percent of your income can be allocated to wants, like dining or entertainment.)</span>
-Create a budget
in the Design section you can format your selected Chart