Truly florishing given the kind of being that we are
Explanation: happiness is usually a word we usually don't read meaning to most times. Aristotle describe happiness as florishing like the eudaemonist theories. Aristotle was the one who lead the notion or view on science of happiness. He believes happiness is a complete virtue and the purpose of life itself and our goal
A human being becomes socialized from community because the outside world is nothing but communication.
The violent phase of Central African colonialism, involving the forced extraction of rubber, ivory, and timber, was followed by a more systematic phase of economic organization. One facet was the establishment of formal plantations on which to grow oil palms and rubber trees.
The governor of the colony, upon hearing that his own wife was accused of witchcraft ordered an end to the trials.
Many villagers stopped hunting for witches because they had lost friends and family during previous trials. They felt that innocent people were being executed and wished to end the witch-hunt.