B- Verify that the writer has provided information, while maintaining an objective tone.
Ariel should focus on how the author of the essay establishes the arguments that are presented and the information that provide the basis and evidence for these arguments, without escaping from the themes and maintaining the objective language that is characteristic of an essay. This will show her if the essay was efficient in its objectives and if it managed to have an informative conversation with the reader expressing well-placed and consistent information with the presented theme.
The dialect used in Why, You Reckon gives the audience the idea that the character is not educated and, very likely, poor. It helps the enjoyment of the story. For example in the following quote
“Well sir, I ain’t never been mixed up in nothing wrong before nor since, and I don’t intend to be again, but I was hongry that night.” (Hughes 253)
Answer: Brownian motion. This is the motion of small objects (like pollen) that appear to jiggle around while sitting in a drop of water. You can view this motion under a microscope.