United Nations Conference on Environment and Development(UNCED)
The conference was held in 1992 at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (June 3–14, 1992), to reconcile worldwide economic development with protection of the environment, The Statement of Principles on Forests, aimed at preserving the world’s rapidly vanishing tropical rainforests, is a nonbinding statement recommending that nations monitor and assess the impact of development on their forest resources and take steps to limit the damage done to them.
Not doing any of this is why Preventing LO/TO accidents begins with training three groups of employees: Authorized employees generally include your electricians, maintenance personnel, and some machine operators.
B. Tracing a sequence of events resulting in a positive outcome
Answer B
Correct. Writers frequently use certain recognizable approaches to develop and organize the reasoning of their arguments. In the opening lines of the passage, the author employs such a method of development when he traces a sequence of events that he believes have culminated in a positive outcome: the First World War happened; the war provided a cautionary example; world leaders have been trying to prevent another outbreak of war; in the end, they succeed in devising the “greatest preventive measures ever adopted by nations.” A method of development provides an audience with the means to trace a writer’s reasoning in an argument. In this case, the author’s approach to organizing his argument suggests that he understands recent peace preservation efforts in terms of a temporal chain of events—one in which each event is linked to the next by a causal logic.
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The pitcher for the home team allows a lead-off double in the bottom half of the first inning of a Little League (Major) Division softball game. After returning to the pitcher's circle, the pitcher begins her wind-up to the next batter.