Well overpopulation puts huge dent in available food supplies. This results in deforestation to make both farmland and lumber for building to house everyone. deforestation create CO2, and depletes vegetation which would have absorbed CO2
A afirmação é verdadeira de que o estudo dos fundos marinhos trouxe evidências de que as cordilheiras oceânicas são regiões onde a nova crosta oceânica é formada. Essa nova crosta oceânica é formada nas cordilheiras do meio do oceano devido à erupção vulcânica no fundo do mar no processo de propagação do fundo do mar. Nas cordilheiras do meio do oceano, um novo fundo do mar é formado continuamente durante o processo de propagação do fundo do mar.
- Disease rates amongst young children are high as the government cannot afford medicines for them, even for preventable diseases such as measles and diarrhoea. This means Infant mortality is high. 3. - there are lots of children who have yet to have their own children in the future the situation can only grow worse.
because of the way the dress
As you already know, sunlight (solar energy, or energy from the Sun) is the primary source of energy for all processes that occur in Earth's atmosphere and hydrosphere. This means that solar energy is also the primary driver of winds and ocean currents .