illegal drug this are harmful and dangerous drugs that are not prescribed or authorized by a community or country
legal drug this are very use medication to our health that is authorized by a community for human consumption
The most common site of cancer is the urethra
Ignorance on the types on substances to take
peer pressure
inadequate attention to the learners by school authorities
Promote rain infiltration, provide diverse habitat for native wildlife, reduce<span> soil erosion, and deliver clean water into streams.</span>
1. Micro-organism
Micro organism are disease causing agents,which cannot be seen with the human naked eyes. The use of of magnification lens or microscope goes a long way in making them visible.
People living within the Australia's major city are exposed to a lot of disease causing organism than those who stays outside the city.
A city is been define as a collection of heterogeneous set of people,and a key criteria is it's population.
Daily business activities within the city surpasses that which happens outside the city.The handling of door knobs,elevators buttons ,stair rails and other common objects which can be touched by humans,there by making the transmission and inhabitation of fungi,viruses and bacterial infection more likely within the major cities.