The correct answer is sources of meaning. This concept serves as a guidance or confrontation of questions that already exist by means of having to define the real meaning behind it or trying to emphasize what's more important or valuable to an individual.
D) Attitudes predict behavior under certain conditions.
Attitude: In psychology, the term attitude refers to a combination of behaviors, beliefs, and emotions towards a specific person, thing, event, or object. It is said that the attitude of a person depends on upbringing or experience and it can have a powerful influence on the behavior of the person.
According to the ABC model, an attitude consists of three components:
1. A-affective.
2. B-behavioral.
3. C-cognitive.
Answer: controlled processes.
Explanation:- Controlled Processes are processes in an individual’s mind that require a great deal of a person's mental resources. Generally, controlled processing is best performed when only one controlled activity is taking place.
However, the scenario above best illustrates Micheal state of focused awareness best illustrates the idea of controlled processes.