Carnegie believed that the wealthy had an obligation to share their wealth to improve society and help others.
Carnegie wrote his beliefs about wealth in the <em>Gospel of Wealth </em>written in 1889.
Carnegie practiced what he preached. He shared his wealth with many organizations in particular libraries, universities, and artistic institutes. He wealth was used to support the educational community of the US and provide opportunities for others to benefit from his wealth. Many other wealthy members of society have followed in his model by using their wealth to make the US a better place.
Definition: a policy or system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race.
Examples: Nelson madela
Pennsylvania. because it was founded by William Penn a Quaker
Governor of Giorgia has many formal responsibilities stated by the Constitution, among those powers we can mention:
1- The command of military forces in Giorgia, since he is the commarnder-in chief.
2- In case of any vacancy in the Georgia House of Representatives and Georgia senate, he/she is the person allowed to fill it.
3- Governor is in charge of assuring the execution of laws and of maintaining the peace and order among citizens.