Salut !
Pour voir des peintures impressionistes on va en <em>Normandie.</em>
1. avez
2. est
3. as
4. êtes
5. il y a or est without il y a
6. ont
La fille
It mean daughter
which would be a blood relative
24. Compose a complete sentence in French listing the objects in the illustration above. Use the French phrase that means "there is/there are."
Question 24 is the notebook and the pen with eraser
Il y a un cahier <em>(ou </em><em>carnet</em><em>) </em>et un stylo avec une gomme.
<em>(there is and there are = il y a. No plural)</em>
25. Compose a complete sentence in French describing what is happening in the illustration above. Use the verb jouer.
Question 25 is the piano
Une fille joue du piano.
26. Compose a complete sentence in French describing what is happening in the illustration above. In your sentence, use the words "he", "does not like" or "hates", and "horseback riding" in French.
Question 26 is the boy riding the horse
Le garçon n'aime pas <em>(doesn't like) ou</em> déteste<em> (hates) </em>monter à cheval.
28. Look at the illustration of Marie above. Compose a complete sentence in French indicating that Marie is wearing a skirt and a blouse. Use the verb mettre.
Question 28 is the women with a blue blouse and black skirt
Marie met un chemisier bleu et une jupe noire.
<em>(in French, we'd rather say 'Marie </em><u><em>porte</em></u><em> un chemisier bleu et...)</em>
hope this helps:)
Salut! I do hope this anwser helps! Sadly I can't type French in here, so I took this instead. (French on the first image, English Translation on the right)