Chloe is a baby who cries a lot. She does not eat or sleep on a regular schedule and she often has difficulty adapting to new experiences. Psychologists would say that Chloe's temperament can be described as difficult
.Difficult temperament is known for their irregular bodily functions, withdrawal from new situations, slow adaptability, negative mood, and intense reaction. These are babies who cry a lot. They cry hard and loudly and they are hard to soothe.It is hard to get them to fall asleep and stay asleep. When they wake up in the middle of the night, they have trouble going back to sleep. These difficult babies are also called colic, spirited, or high-needs babies like Chloe.
Firstly the United States of America told the president of USSR that they were getting wrongly involved with Afghanistan and they should immediately withdraw. On falling in deaf ears, the United States did not participate in 1980 Summer Olympics that was held in Moscow. After this the United states started supplying arms to the various Afghan resistance groups.
This was astrolabe; an instrument to predict the position of the stars, that could also be used to predict t one's position. The compass was invented in China.
B. saved lives. Mandatory seatbelt laws have saved lives.
Answer and Explanation
Introspection was Method by which trained observers carefully reflect and report on their mental experiences.
The fundamental problem with the introspectionist school of psychology was that the use of introspection as an experimental technique was often criticized because Introspection was limited in its use; complex subjects such as learning, personality, mental disorders, and development are difficult or even impossible to study with this technique and also different observers often provided significantly different responses to the exact same stimuli This was a bigger challenge to introspectionist school of psychology