Answer: El decreto unió las raíces judeo-cristianas del continente europeo con la cultura greco-romana. Hasta el Concilio de Nicea, en el año 325, las iglesias cristianas eran incendiadas, quienes profesan la religión cristiana eran perseguidos y su patrimonio era confiscado. Particularmente bajo el emperador Diocleciano se intensificó la persecución cristiana. Diocleciano quería revivir los viejos cultos paganos y que éstos se convirtieran en la religión del imperio. Pero su política anticristiana fracasó y fue eliminada por su sucesor, el emperador Constantino. El aparato militar y el administrativo funcionaban bien en el Imperio Romano. Una zona de libre comercio había impulsado el bienestar económico. Los habitantes de Roma gozaban de derechos civiles, lo que promovía una creciente cohesión entre la población, sin embargo, no había libertad religiosa.
Okay, the other answer is wrong. The Electoral College's votes are what decide if you can be president or not. So people who actually became president (like Lincoln) did recieve enough votes from the Electoral College. However, during his own election, Al Gore didn't get enough votes from the Electoral College in the Presidential Election in 2000. That's why he lost the election, even though his popular vote was higher.
Hope this helps!
The united states and the Soviet Union
<u>He is a polymath if I could sum him up in one word I would say polymath. </u>
A poly math is a person who is an expert at multiple subjects. He was a genus for his time, and even in today's standards he is a genus. Does this help you? Also I do not speak Spanish, so hopefully you can translate this, if not sorry for in inconvenience.