Answer:” The United States has a complex government system. One important tenet of this system is democracy, in which the ultimate power rests with the people. In the case of the United States, that power is exercised indirectly, through elected representatives. Although the U.S. has been a strong proponent of democracy, it did not invent democracy. The Greeks are often credited with pioneering a democratic government that went on to influence the structure of the United States. Read this article that describes how elements of ancient Greek democracy heavily influenced the figures”.
When Prince Klemens von Metternich wrote "revolutionary spirit could . . . easily hide itself under the veil of patriotism", he most likely meant that: D.) Revolutionaries were trying to hide their true intentions.
What this means is that revolutionaries may hide their true agenda in the name of patriotism.
Answer: 46 presidencies in the USA
Santana dharma,in HINDUISM, term used to denote the "eternal" or
absolute set of duties or religiously ordained practices incumbent upon
all Hindus, regardless to class, caste, or sect
At early stages, yes, very soon they lost all popularity, even among the conservatives. That is because at first the idea behind it was that it was honorable and good because it stopped communism. Very soon everyone realized what kind of a hell the war was and that it was pointless and that there would be no problems with them even if they did turn into a Communist state. The negative effect it had on people was unspeakable.