Crystallized intelligence
Crystallized intelligence is the intelligence in which the knowledge is gained through prior learning and the experience of a person. It is based on the facts and the rooted experience of a person. It is increased throughout our life span. As we grew older it increased. Crystallized intelligence is not the form of fluid intelligence.
Thus here in the above statement, Zane's mother seems to know every historical event due to her crystallized intelligence because it grew according to life experiences.
Mali cuz' it was RICH! it was the richest empire in ancient history. being rich meant it got lots of smart ppl n u could get a good education. emperor was so rich dat he literally handed out gold to common people...imagine that!
A majority opinion is your answer.
Overtime the court could change this view.
For example Brown vs. Board of Education overturning Plessy vs. Ferguson decsion. Check out
Karl marx believed that workers in a capitalist economy experience alienation because they are paid for their labor but do not own the things they produce.
For Karl Marx, the idea of the means of production is a crucial economic category. The means of production include everything needed to produce commodities, including natural resources, factories, and machinery. This is what Marx referred to as human nature, which he characterized as the essence of a person, or one's ability to control their own destiny to a certain extent.
For Karl Marx, whether capitalism and its class-division is a suitable arrangement for human beings depends on human nature. According to Marx's theory of alienation, when a person is engaged in the lower rungs of a capitalist system, in which they are just cogs in a much larger system, they are driven by those within a higher social class to produce as much as possible.
To learn more about Karl Marx's theory of alienation here
Corruption in India is an all-pervasive phenomenon and as some believe corruption has become a way of life in India. Its scale and spread has increased significantly. A notable feature is that there has been a mutually reinforcing collusion at the political and bureaucratic level. It has seeped to the top echelon of central, state and local government. Further, the malaise is not confined to the executive arm of the government alone; it has afflicted the legislature, the judiciary, the media and also independent professions.