Brahmanism is a religion of transition between the Vedic religion (completed around the 6th century BC) and the Hindu religion (which began around the third century AD).
According to other authors, Brahmanism (or Brahmanical religion) is the same as Vedicism (or Vedic religion).
Maybe since the 4th century BC C. began to know the Upanishad, which were stories (written by Brahmins) where a Brahmin teacher taught his disciple about a unique God who was superior to the Vedic gods. They preferred meditation to opulent animal sacrifices and the ritual consumption of the soma psychotropic drug.
The Brahmins became the sole repositories of knowledge about the unique Brahman (the formless Divine, generator of all gods). There were no longer Chatrías who had spiritual knowledge, but had to become disciples of a Brahmin at some point in their lives.
From the third century or II a. C. they began to recite everywhere the extensive poems Majábharata and Ramaiana as well as the doctrinal treatises (agamas) of the different dárshanas (religious schools) that constitute a body of knowledge that has endured throughout history and has more than 280 million faithful.
Experiential knowledge is knowledge gained through experience, as opposed to a prior (before experience) knowledge: it can also be contrasted both with propositional (textbook) knowledge, and with practical knowledge.
What is Experiential knowledge?
- Experiential knowledge is cognate to Michael Polanyi's personal knowledge, as well as to Bertrand Russell's contrast of Knowledge by Acquaintance and by Description.
- Carl Rogers stressed the importance of experiential knowledge both for the therapist formulating his or her theories, and for the client in therap both things with which most counsellors would agree.
- As defined by Thomasina Borkman (Emeritus Professor of Sociology, George Mason University) experiential knowledge is the cornerstone of therapy in self-help groups, as opposed to both lay (general) and professional knowledge.
- Sharing in such groups is the narration of significant life experiences in a process through which the knowledge derived thereof is validated by the group and transformed into a corpus that becomes their fundamental resource and product.
- Neville Symington has argued that one of the central features of the narcissist is a shying away from experiential knowledge, in favour of adopting wholesale a ready-made way of living drawn from other people's experience.
To learn more about Experiential knowledge:
I think ethics refers to the code of moral principles and values that govern behaviors with respect to what is right and wrong.
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Siguranță pe internet reprezintă faptul ca noi,oamenii putem naviga pe internet fara a avea grija ca cineva ne va sparge ceva cont sau multe altele.
Siguranta pe internet reprezintă o mare si mare importanta pentru noi deoarece cu ajutorul ei putem naviga pe calculator fara grija,fara temeri.
Sper ca te ajuta cat de cat,daca nu îți pot face mai lunguț.Succes!!!!