Rectus abdominis muscle (shaded in red)
External oblique muscles (shaded in red)
Internal oblique muscles (shaded in red)
Transverse abdominis muscle (shaded in red)
You need to check the deductible first.
Some policies have $500 to $5,000 deductible.
<span>Then for every $1,000 after the deductible is satisfied, the policy pays 75% or $750, and the patient pays 25% or $250. </span>
Ready to eat food that was prepped by a food handler must have a label that includes:
- <em>use by date</em>
- <em>temperature to keep the food</em>
All foods prepared have specific temperatures where they are best to be kept. For example, most of the desserts need to be refrigerated. Hence, it is important that a food handler mentions the temperature or just mentions whether the food can be refrigerated or not.
The name of the food should be labelled by the food handler to avoid any confusion.
A food handler must mention the date by which the food can be consumed. As the food might not have preservatives in it, the food most likely will have to be used within a short time.
The answer is C. Medical technicians