Towards the end of the eighteenth century the Industrial Revolution began in England, which brought economic growth with unprecedented speed in the history of mankind.
The <em>textile industry </em>was the pioneer in automating processes previously carried out in a manual and homelike manner through the creation of increasingly better equipped machines that exponentially increased the productivity of the workshops, generating over time the manufacturing system.
The use of machinery was later incorporated into rural activity, increasing the capacity to produce food on a large scale with a significant decrease in the use of labor.
Many farmers moved to the city where they obtained work in factories of different fields, generating important social changes that gave way to modernity.
Those factories took the model of factory production, division of labor and intensive use of machinery originally originated in the textile industry.
Many Indian people fought and died (as British Soldiers) in both World Wars, however they saw next to no benefit for their sacrifice and as such were compelled to revolt against the ruling British.
That would be Pennsylvania <span />
He defeated a Muslim invasion from Spain
By 700, a majordomo was the most powerful person in the Frankish Kingdom .From 719 this position was in the hands Charles Martel, who become the important person in the country .In the battle of Poitiers (near Tours) in 732 he defeated Arabs, and after the battle he was called Charles the Hammer and Christian Hero.
eastern and southern Europe