The correct answer is option C, that is, behavioral isolation.
The phenomenon of behavioral isolation takes place when two populations possess the tendency of interbreeding, but exhibit distinctions in courtship rituals or other kinds of behavior. For example, the western and eastern meadowlarks are very identical birds whose habitat overlap in the middle of the United States.
However, the members of the two species will not mate with each other, possibly as they use different songs in order to fascinate males. The eastern meadowlarks will not respond to the songs of western meadowlarks, and vice versa.
The cells of collenchyma have evenly thickened cell wall
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Calcitonin stimulates the kidneys to absorb calcium when calcium levels are too low, while parathyroid hormone stimulates the kidneys to excrete calcium when calcium levels are too high.
Genetics, blood type gene has two alleles, each allele has genotype A, B or O. The A and B are dominant, and O is recessive. So allele A combined with allele O is type A. Similarly, BO is type B, AA is type A, BB is type B, OO is type O, and AB is typeAB.
If both parents have type A blood, then the alleles could be AA or AO, thus the allele A frequency is 75%, allele O frequency is 25% for both parents.
So the chance of alleles OO is 25% × 25% = 6.25%,
alleles AA is 75% × 75% = 56.25%,
alleles AO is 75% × 25% = 18.75%,
alleles OA is 25% × 75% = 18.75%.
Since AA, AO and OA are blood type A, and OO is blood type O, thus their child has 6.25% chance to be blood type O and 93.75% chance to be blood type A.
The +/- is called the rhesus factor, with + being dominant, and - being recessive.
So if both parents are -, the kids are always -, otherwise the kids might be + or -.
Child Blood Type Estimate Table:
Father's Blood TypeABABOMother's
A. A reason for the increased use of electricity is the increasing population; more people are being born, more people are using electricity.
b. A strategy to reduce the amount of fossil fuels is for more people to use electric cars where the electricity is sourced naturally. Perhaps the government could implement a system where drivers of electric cars could be rewarded.