for supporting industry over the interests of farmers
The answer is 1, 3, 4 and maybe 2 but I'm not sure.
I believe the answer is: somewhat more
When a person make a public virginity-until-marriage pledge, they tend to be more likely to feel some sort of social pressure to follow on their words in fear of being seen as a hypocrites by other peers. This would indeed improve their likelihood to stay a virgin, But the effect of the social pressure tend to diminish over time
I think the boy should be 9 years old because he know about the surface area and height
A. two; majority of popular vote
This is true in the sense that, Governorship position term limit in the United States is four years per term and can only serve for two terms, making it eight years. This is in some cases within a certain years period of 12 or 16 years.
Also, the governorship election in the United States is a direct election, which means it is based on popular votes.