The 18th Amendment prohibited the sale of, the transportation of, the manufacturing of any alcoholic beverage. It did have the effect of enforcing a decline in deaths related to alcohol, but it did not entirely fulfill its intent.
Crime increased. Criminal activity increased. Al Capone became one of the richest man in America from the proceeds of black market alcohol. His 100K in the 20s would make his net worth about 18 billion in today's dollars.
The 18th became law in 1919. It was repealed in 1933 just 4 years later. It is the only amendment that suffered this fate.
It is housed in a museum in France
The original Bayeux Tapestry is being held in the museum in Normandy, France, although that soon will be exhibited in a u museum in Britain.
Tapestry or Canvas from Bay, embroidered canvas 50 cm wide and 70 meters long, depicting scenes from the Battle of Hastings 1066, in Latin inscriptions. Currently, the canvas is on display at the Queen Matilda Special Museum in Baja, France, protected from possible damage from light and air.
The use of standarized metal coins
The biggest one is speculation on the market. Many would buy stocks on margin, say only meeding 10% of the share amount to buy a share of stock. So great quantities of stock were able to be bought without necesarily having the money to legitimately purchase them.