The cognitive approach views the mind as an active and aware problem-solving system. The behavioral approach focuses on an organism’s interactions with the environment.
The cognitive approach is different than the behavioral approach. To take it simpler, the cognitive approach focuses on the mind as a problem-solving system, while behavioral psychology focuses on the organism’s visible interactions with the environment.
Cognitive psychology also views the mind as an information processor. In cognitive psychology, there is a cognitive model of information processing inside someone’s head. Cognitive psychology includes perception, attention, language, consciousness, memory, and thinking.
The knowledge from cognitive psychology has been integrated into a lot of other modern disciplines and psychological study. Educational, social psychology, personality psychology, developmental psychology, abnormal psychology, linguistics, and economics, are the broad disciplines that have integrated cognitive psychology.
Meanwhile, behaviorism is a systematic approach in order to understand the behavior of humans and other animals. Behaviorism assumes that all behaviors are reflexes from certain stimuli in the environment. It also can be a consequence of the history of that individual, including punishment and reinforcement.
Behaviorists still believe that heredity may be a factor in determining someone’s behavior, but they mainly focus on the environmental factor as a determining factor of someone’s behavior. Behaviorism combines a lot of elements, such as philosophy, psychological theory, and methodology. Behaviorism started to emerge in the late nineteenth century.
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KEYWORD: cognitive, behavioral, psychology
Subject: Social Studies
Class: College
Subchapter: Psychology