Answer: it doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter how much money you make along as you have money to support yourself
Getting rid of old stuff to people who want it instead of throwing it away.
No, it will not be classified on cash flow statement.
In the given case, stocks are issued in exchange of equipment. Assuming no cash is involved even for the balancing amount.
Since, cash flow statement records all transactions involving cash the exchange of stock issued for equipment, is nowhere involving cash thus, it will not be depicted on cash flow statement.
Final Answer
No it will not be classified on cash flow statement.
In classical conditioning, the Neutral Stimulus (NS) becomes a Conditioned Stimulus (CS) after it reliably signals the impending occurrence of the Unconditioned Stimulus (US).
The conditioned stimulus (CS) is a neutral stimulus (NS) that - after being repeatedly presented before the unconditioned stimulus - evokes a similar response as the unconditioned stimulus (US).
For example, a cat staring at a can of food (unconditioned stimulus) reacts differently to the sound of a can opener being struck on any surface (neutral stimulus). But if you condition a cat to believe that striking a can opener on any surface signals it will eat a can of food, the neutral stimulus becomes the conditioned stimulus.
Learn the difference between classical and operant conditioning here: