You are walking in the city, and you notice that almost everyone is looking at something in their hand. They are smart phones that they are addicted to. You ask yourself <em>what on Earth is happening</em> and watch as people stumble around with their eyes glued to the screen. You realize that the people around you are not really present, and indeed, are like zombies. This is the harsh reality of the smart phone. These little electronic devices have completely destroyed our social lives, sense of self, and instincts and it is only getting worse.
This is just a little thing I came up with right now :)
Whether in the mall, driving down the road, or just standing on the front lawn, there is a great possibility that a cell phone will be seen. Most people have them either in the pocket, on the hip, or attached to the ear. When cell phones were not as prevalent, society was very different. Cell phones are cheaper than ever, smaller than when they first surfaced, and have become very advanced technologically. Cell phones have a great effect on American society today.
Answer Imagine a World Without Prisons: Science ... piece “The River,” one of the Detroit-based science fiction pieces she was just awarded a Kresge Fellowship to create, explores :
Abigail is afraid the other girls will confess what was truly going on in the woods and she doesn't want to get into trouble. She admits that Tituba and Ruth were conjuring spirits only to save Betty from being accused of witchcraft.