An individual's self-esteem can be affected by genetics as well as environmental factors, and poor self-esteem often begins in childhood. A person who experiences an abusive childhood or who didn't get enough approval from authority figures, feels his or her self-worth was based on achievements or feels excluded will often have poor self-esteem.
I believe that people with down syndrome are more likely than the general population to develop Alzheimer's disease in late life.
1. Tell parents or trusted adult.
2. Call hotlines
3. Pray to God ( My opinion )
Answer: wear safety glasses and keep hair and anything else that could burn away from the heat source
Answer – C. more than half.
A sexually transmitted infection (STI) is an infection that is usually spread by sexual contact. Some of these STIs like gonorrhea and chlamydia contaminate your sexual and reproductive organs. Others like HIV, hepatitis B, and syphilis can lead to body infections.