- You are interacting with a person, not a computer
- The tone and intention of online posts definitely matters
- Some remarks may be misinterpreted online
I have no idea what people of other cultures capitalize to show excitement, I'm quite sure it's not an all caps type of conversation, unless they are upset
Not everyone knows how to use online etiquette skills.
Before a tornado, you can stay safe by being weather aware. Always have an emergency kit handy. During the tornado, it is important to get to a storm shelter (underground.) If one is not available, it is important to get to the lowest point. (Basement.) If you do not have access to a basement, then get in a bathtub and put something over you to protect your head. After the disaster, it is important to steer clear of disaster areas. If your home has been damaged, do not go in the home without proper inspection.
Food safety is scientific discipline which sets the principles how should be the food handled, prepared and kept such that <span> foodborne illnesses are prevented. Food handlers should :
- keep the TCS food out of the temperature danger zone
- a</span>lways wash hands with warm water and soap before and after handling food<span>.
- keep raw meat, poultry, fish, and their juices away from other </span>food<span>.
- u</span><span>se safe water and raw materials when preparing food.</span>
Check your other post I gave examples
Strenuous would fit in the blank