Does it use the words "like" or "as". The two possible answers are metaphor or simile
Have you ever wondered what you'd take out of your house in a burning fire? I have. I've often thought about what I'd save if I could only choose a few items. I think first I'd take the children's pictures my parents have saved since our childhoods. Next, I'd grab my old cigar box. It's filled with all my friend's gifts and keepsakes, which are real treasures for me. My parent's letters would come with me too, and my dog's comfort items. I couldn't forget my CD collection and my sister's things. She's at college, so she'd be furious if I didn't remember to take her precious items. We'd need food and water, so we'd have the ability to survive, and blankets, first aid kit and flashlights would be helpful too. We'd put the dog in the car, of course, and the cat, and the four of us. We couldn't forget the Smiths, our neighbours, just in case the fire spread and hmmmm I think we'd need a moving van! Let's just hope we never need to evacuate.
The conflict of the story the clever brothers is between the four clever brothers and the dragon who took the princess
A conflict involves two or more forces that oppose each other in a story in this story the four clever brothers tried to see which one had the best skills they learned through out the years four years to be exact and when they had to face the dragon who took the princess