A landform is a feature on the Earth's surface that is part of the terrain. Mountains, hills, plateaus, and plains are the four major types of landforms. Minor landforms include buttes, canyons, valleys, and basins. Tectonic plate movement under the Earth can create landforms by pushing up mountains and hills.
A plain is nothing but a low-lying relatively flat land surface with very gentle slope and minimum local relief. About 55% of the earth's land surface is occupied by plains. Most of the plain have been formed by deposition of sediments brought down by rivers.
Plateaus are elevated flatlands. In other words, it is flat land which is standing high above the surrounding area. Furthermore, they may have one or more sides with steep slopes. Also, depending upon the plateau, their height varies from a few hundred meters to several thousand meters.
Glucose level increase, insulin is secreted.
glucose level decrease, glucagon is secreted
Answer: C
MRNA, the A-T is replaced with A-U but T-A stays the same
The correct option is C.
Living organisms that live in the littoral zones in the ocean are used to frequent changes in temperature and in the salinity of the ocean water. For an organism to survive in this environment, it needs to have adaptive features that will increase its survival. The littoral zone is divided into three zones, which are high, middle and lower littoral zones. Organisms living in high littoral zone have adaptive features that make them more adapted to desiccation due to the long hours of sunlight to which they are exposed. The organisms are usually exposed directly to the air or they can be enclosed in burrows.
It's an old writing system from ancient Mesopotamia.
If you check Wikipedia you'll see that cuneiform was a writing system from the sumerians. it comes from the Latin term that means wedge, which is kind of the tool they used back then to wedge shape clay pieces.