Most color pigmentation goes towards hair and not much is left for skin.
There are so many examples for that in different areas, like TPBi experiment carried out in our lab recently.Here's one link:
The statement above is TRUE. Puncture wounds refers to an injury that is caused by piercing of skin; a small hole is usually present. Puncture wounds do not usually bleed excessively but most times tissues and skin are crushed. Punctured wound can be superficial or deep.
Statement C is the only one that is necessarily true for exons 2 and 3. It is also true for exons 7 and 8. While statements A and B could be true, they don’thave to be. Because the protein sequence is the same in segments of the mRNA that correspond to exons 1 and 10, neither choice of alternative exons (2 versus 3, or 7 versus 8) can alter the reading frame. To maintain the normal reading frame—whatever that is—the alternative exons must have a number of nucleotides that when divided by 3 (the number of nucleotides in a codon) give the same remainder. Since the sequence of the a-tropomyosin gene is known, it is possible to check to see the actual state of affairs. Exons 2 and 3 both contain the same number of nucleotides, 126, which is divisible by 3 with no remainder.