Lymphatic system is the body system that is responsible for collecting fluid leaks. It is a network of body tissues that help get rid of body toxins, wastes and other unwanted materials. IT fights infections to our body. Lymphatic vessels are the vessels that carried the fluids to out Lymph.
Random sampling means that members of a 'population' have equal chances of being selected. To carry out this type of sampling, you will need to use a table of random numbers.
I prefer indoors exercise more because you can change the temperature and I watch TV lol.
running in your neighborhood
practicing a sport outside ex:soccer
Improved is a poor choice of word for risk since increased risk not giving a good effect.
As far as I know, there are many reports that alcohol can reduce diabetes risk and a few about gall bladder stones but there no cirrhosis reduced risk.
Assuming that the question means which disease that the risk will be increased it should be cirrhosis.