This example illustrates the concept of a trait being multifactorial.
Saying that a trait is multifactorial means that such trait depends on multiple genes as well as multiple environmental factors that influence them. According to the passage, Jamal does have the genes to be a professional athlete. Yet, since his environmental conditions have never been favorable, he did not become one. Simply having the "right" genes was not enough; there were other factors in place as well. Therefore, this is an example of a trait being multifactorial.
Persuasion is the act of persuading or convincing someone to believe something.
The role of a persuasive speaker is convincing the audience to accept his or her point of view.
for the last question :
1.The speaker has to convince the audience that they know what they're talking about. This includes knowing both sides of an argument and presenting each of them accurately.
2. It's important for the speaker to understand the audience to which they'll be speaking.
Everyone wants more and more wealth and power, so if they go to different undiscovered lands then they can have more wealth and more land for power. So because of all that the nation grows.
Fear, money, power, owning more land/conquering
I think it’s make the nation’s laws. Please correct me if I’m wrong.