If the Congress overrides the veto by a two-thirds vote in each house, it becomes law without the President's signature. Otherwise, the bill fails to become law unless it is presented to the President again and the President chooses to sign it.
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Lack of jobs and expensive housing
Rural to Urban migration is very influential in most megacities settlements and this will lead to squatter settlements. For example State like Lagos which is Nigeria is one of the most populous State in the world due to its high population, Rural to Urban migration is very common in this part and the more the population the more pressure for the Government to build infrastructure for employment so in that process there will be lack of jobs and even for them to afford normal apartment will be difficult therefore it will lead to squatter settlement for them.
Answer:Serious droughts happen again and again in China, India, Australia, Chile, Bolivia, Ethiopia, and the Philippines (Woods and Woods, 2007). From early 2000 onwards severe droughts affected vast areas of South Asia, including Western India, Southern and Central Pakistan.
1.make sure that everything needed for teaching and learning is available
2. make sure the teachers and students are comfortable and happy with the school
3. set rules that will be convenient for the school, students and teachers
4. appoint prefect to help manage the students and make sure all rules are followed.
5.add exciting yet educational sporting activities