The answer is "Jenifer".
Theory of mind is the capacity to perceive and property mental states — musings, recognitions, wants, goals, sentiments – to oneself and to others and to see how these psychological states may influence conduct. It is likewise an understanding that others have convictions, points of view and feelings totally isolate from our own.
sorry Raely sorry from turkey
Answer: It could be Islam.
Usually, when the phrase "religion of peace" is said, the conversation is always around Islam. Peace is greatly associated with Islam. Even when Muslims greet each other, they say "asalamu alaykom," which means "peace be upon you."
As for the dressing plainly portion, Muslims are supposed to dress modestly. This means that they are supposed to avoid tight or revealing clothing.
"there are things the want to talk about" maybe? are there choices if not that's ok but if there are they would be highly appreciated thank you