Enzymes are biological catalysts. Catalysts lower the activation energy for reactions. The lower the activation energy for a reaction, the faster the rate. Thus enzymes speed up reactions by lowering activation energy.
The answer is actually <u>true</u><u>.</u>
The starting point of all rivers is higher than their end point. However, under the right conditions, small amounts of water can be drawn upwards, against the tug of gravity, through a phenomenon known as "capillary action". For this to occur, however, the water must be confined into a small flow space.
Hope this helps! If it does, would you mind marking my answer as Brainliest? Thanks :D
Tahukah kamu, mengapa motor berhenti di depan lampu merah?
karena motornya direm. Coba kalau nggak direm bisa bahaya tuh.
Tebak binatang apa yang jago renang?
Bebek. Kalau ikan bukan renang tapi menyelam
Kenapa di rel kereta api ditaruh batu?
Soalnya kalau ditaruh duit nanti pada diambil.
They lack colors such as blue and red. any primary color.