aerobics is like expanding your lungs, like choir, singing. as an example, running free oxygen. helps alot for the cardiovascular system. Respiration is like exchanging something, trading. Trading oxygen from our lungs, we breath in and exhale for carbon dioxide. Anaerobic respiration isnt like the others getting oxygen, or getting something, it produces lactic acid. for example not havin enough oxygen can cause this uprose. im not sure if im right 10% but this is what i know
त दास्यामि' इति) स तु मया वटदुः
शाखायां नीडं कार्यम) इत्युक्त्वा स्वकर्मव्यग्रोः अभवत् ।
बालः अवध
418 अधोलिखितं पद्यांशद्वयं पठित्वा प्रश्नानाम् उत्तराणि संस्कृतभाषायां लिखत
(अ) प्रियवाक्यप्रदानेन सर्वे तुष्यन्ति जन्तवः ।
तस्माद् तदेव वक्तव्यं वचने का दरिद्रता।।
(1) जन्तवः केन तुष्यन्ति?
(ii) कुत्र दरिद्रता न भवेत्?
(iii) 'दरिद्रता इत्यस्मिन् पदे विलोमपदं लिखत?
Chloe can determine if she was exposed to a communicable disease by knowing the portal
of entry and the mode of transmission of the disease. If she believe that she
has been exposed, she must report the incident to her supervisor immediately.
Health care provider as Chloe must maintain good state of health and be
immunized against infectious disease to reduce the chance of susceptibility to
the disease.
A. A gradual but complete withdrawal from drugs