The Amyotrophic lateral sclelosis (ALS) is a disease that led to the loss of motor neuron control.The sensory motor neuron and interneurons remains intact hence the mental and sensory an damaged.despite this interneurons and sensory neuron loss function in the body.
its has to do with how long you exercise
Extravasation refers to the leaking of a fluid from a blood vessel of a container.
Infiltration refers to the accumulation of a substance in quantities above the normal.
Hematoma is basically a bruise in the skin .
Phlebitis refers to the inflammation of a vein, its symptoms are pain and redness along the vein. Usually the spot where the inflammation is tends to be warmth. There are palpable cords along the course of the vein that can be a sign of a superficial clot or superficial thrombophlebitis.
The symptoms of this patient are consistent with phlebitis due to the infusion.
Even though the symptoms of the stimulants and depressants are quite opposite, the causes of these symptoms are completely unrelated. A stimulant could cause one area of the brain to release a chemical and a depressant could affect a completely different area of the brain. They don't have to counteract each other.
The server tells you that the dish tastes good because just because the dish tastes good does not mean it is healthy.