El oro es un tesoro, y el que lo posee hace todo lo que desea en este mundo, y logró ayudar a las almas al paraíso.
Porque si lo miras en una dirección diferente, encontrarás algo nuevo o viejo.
The Act for the Abolition of the Slave Trade, or as it is known the Slave Trade Act 1807, was meant to end slave trade that got its slaves from Africa (D).
Since this was mainly the only place from which slaves were bought, Africa is directly named in the document as the means to end all slave trade.
However, contrary to these expectations, the act did not abolish slavery in English soil. It was thought that by abolishing slave trade, slavery would naturally end. That didn't happen until 1833 with the Slavery Abolition Act that directly abolished slavery in all English soil.
The Old China Trade refers to the early commerce between the Qing Empire and the United States under the Canton System, spanning from shortly after the end of the American Revolutionary War in 1783 to the Treaty of Wanghsia in 1844. The Old China Trade represented the beginning of relations between the United States and East Asia, including eventually U.S.