“We are all searching for someone whose demons play well with ours.”
― Rea Frey
“I made constant deals with myself, as though these deals would culminate in some life-changing event: If there are five babies on the plane, it won’t crash. If I just say yes to this client, I’ll get into Forbes. If the light turns green when I count to three, I won’t complain for the rest of the day. If I don’t eat dessert today, I can have Mexican tomorrow.”
― Rea Frey
“I’ve always been good at keeping secrets—other people’s secrets, friends’ secrets, family secrets, strangers’ secrets. But I’m even better at creating secrets. No one ever guesses them … even if I beg them to try.”
― Rea Frey
So I really don't know if this would work but try writing about something that makes you angry
Writing about something that makes you angry will have you express those feelings and stuff. Also you would go on and on about it (giving reasons, explainations etc) You don't have to do this but I just wanted to give you an option
It would be
To develop Characters by displaying their interactions.
B - conscience. Unconscionable means 'not right or reasonable'
I felt like I was in control over my feelings or over reality. What I am trying to say is that I thought that I could control my feelings caring what people thought about me. But, I was wrong. A certain event happened in my life that I'd rather not mention, but it changed how I thought about myself and also how I thought towards others. After this certain event happened in my life my feelings started to be too uncontrollable. But with the help of Jesus and my parents I started to feel more in controll of my feelings than ever!