<em><u>Sacroiliac joint</u></em><em> is the slightly movable articulation between the sacrum and posterior portion of the ilium.</em>
Sacroiliac joint is also known as SKJ, and is a hip socket that lies on the bones of the pelvis. It is connected by strong ligaments and is one of the very strong joint that supports the weight of upper body.
Sacrum is the element that supports the spine in human body. This sacrum is further supported by the ilium on both sides.
The tissue that functions as an absorber of digested nutrients is the epithelial tissue.
Dehydration is the condition of the body which involves the loss of body fluid compared to the amount of water the body gets. Water is an important constituent of the human body making up to about two-third of the body. The normal body metabolism is affected when the amount of water in the body drops below the required level of water necessary for optimal functioning of the body.
Athletes usually suffer from dehydration, most especially long distance runners, as they tend to lose a lot of body fluid through sweating while the body tries to regulate the body temperature during the race. When the body is dehydrated, the heart works harder to pump blood to various parts of the body leading to loss of strength of the muscles.
Common signs a dehydrated person shows include feeling tired and lightheaded, loss of body weight etc.
<span> Animal cells will swell when they are placed in a hypotonic solution</span>