Sheep Brain:
Sheep brain is smaller in size the human brain. The convolutions or folds are absent in sheep brain. Olfacory bulb is more developed in shhep's brain as compared to human brain. Sheep brain is more elongated in shape.
Human brain:
Human brain is large in size. The convolutions are more numerous in human brain. Human's brain olfactory bulb is less developed as compared with sheep's brain. Human brain is round in shape.
The First 20 Elements and The Difference Between Elements, Compounds and Mixtures. Standard. 1 – H – Hydrogen – Odorless, Colorless and Flammable Gas. 2 – He – Helium – Colorless and Odorless. 3 – Li – Lithium – Low Melting Point and Low Density. 4 – Be – Beryllium – High Thermal Conductivity and Non Magnetic.
A. their nephron loop is closely wrapped with vasa recta
Because the surrounding doesn't go exactly go into the body.
It has to go through the clothes first