I believe that Lady Macbeth's words to her husband most often express her dissatisfaction with him. She believes he is not strong enough, she is emasculating, making her husband feel he's not a real man. She often says she wished she were born a man, so that she could do everything her weak husband isn't capable of doing.
In chapter 8 the book, To Kill a Mockingbird, Miss Maudie’s house burns down.
A sincere for she cares for Jim alot
If you are referring to the two names that Philiphines already had, these names were Las islas Filipinas and Pearl of the Orient Seas.
The Philippines has been a Spanish republic for years and was named after King Philip II, however, many other names have been adopted over successive years. This custom of naming the colonies and changing these names periodically was common in Portuguese and Spanish colonies, and the colonies were named in honor of someone, due to religious events, or some characteristic of the place.