Karyotyping is <u>a test to examine chromosomes in a sample of cells</u>. This test can help identify genetic problems as the cause of a disorder or disease.
ATP consists of an Adenine base, a ribose (sugar), and 3 phosphate groups
Hope this helps
<h2>1.45 + 3.55 = 5.0 (total blood volume); 1.45/5.0 × 100 = 29% (low),</h2>
HCT is calculated as:
HCT = Volume of red blood cells / (Volume of red blood cells + volume of plasma) x 100
1.45 + 3.55 = 5.0 (total blood volume); 1.45/5.0 × 100 = 29% (low), normal range for an adult female HCT ranges from 38 to 46% (some sources claim 34.9-44.5%).
*for calculating this, one must know two of these three values: packed cell volume, total blood volume, plasma volume.
Total blood volume = Packed cell volume + plasma volume.